
cookies: uses Google Analytics to gather statistics about visitors. Data is collected through cookies created by Google and is fed back to as summarised reports. No personal information is involved and has no access to the raw data. The use of Google Analytics information is to note numbers of visitors, determine from where they originate (eg referrals by another web site) and specific pages that have been viewed. It allows to create new material that reflects visitors' areas of interest.

As part of its package, the Service Provider that hosts collects and makes available to information on visitors and pages viewed using AWStats software. does not analyse or make any use of the data collected.

With the single exception of password-protected pages, no data is collected directly by Where password protection is in place, information including (but not limited to) user's Name and ID, IP Address and referring site is collected and stored.

None of the information provided to by any of the software or methods described above is shared with or made available to any other individuals or organisations. disseminates information through social networking sites, currently Twitter and Facebook. Following a link may result in one or more of those companies' cookies being downloaded to your device. has no control over this and users are referred to those companies' policies and procedures for information on how cookies are used.

Version: 29.08.2021